Heather, his name is Ronen Levi Yitzchak Segal. He had a connection with Chabad, obviously a very kind soul, was a prolific “writer” on the internet, and I am sorry to say that he passed away 7 years ago in a tragic car accident. I would like to see more of his videos here, we’ll have to see. Thanks very much for the feedback, and may you merit all good things. RBR
I love this video. Who is the man speaking? He is very genuine and warm.
Heather, his name is Ronen Levi Yitzchak Segal. He had a connection with Chabad, obviously a very kind soul, was a prolific “writer” on the internet, and I am sorry to say that he passed away 7 years ago in a tragic car accident. I would like to see more of his videos here, we’ll have to see. Thanks very much for the feedback, and may you merit all good things. RBR
Isn’t it?